Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's Snowing!

All this week we heard reports of the upcoming snow. You almost have to see it to believe it, based on past weather report track records. We are in Washington, so snow comes around this time of year, but sporatically. Welllll...... It actually started snowing yesterday. Today there was more fluffy snow falling on the ground. It was a day to stay indoors, drink some hot tea and do some things I did not have the time to do, but wanted to do.

I am doing some Christmas card prepping and planning. I will post my prototype soon so you can get a sneak peek. I counted around 100 cards I'll be sending out. Even with the trimming of the card list, I still have 100 left. My kids are great in helping to staff the Christmas card "factory". They are a blessing.

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